Leo received his first RSV shot in December after months of battling with the insurance company. Very thankful for our dogged Pediatrician. And about a week after getting the shot, he got his first cold! Ha. It's pretty good that he's only had one cold in 9 months. So trying to focus on the positive and not obsess about whether his cold will turn into something worse. So far so good, just a bit of a cough, some snot, no fever, eating fine, sleeping decently - check and check. Jay, however, got hit with quite a beast. Still recovering, but hopefully we're done with the worst of it - for both my boys.
Physical Therapy is going well. After his "fail" in November, he rebounded the next week and did all kinds of grabbing and almost sitting, etc. And that's been how PT has gone for him - up one week and off the next. I think he's going at his own pace, regardless of how much outside forces try to influence. A skill that will surely serve him well later in life.
And speaking of sitting...he's kind of almost sitting on his own! He can go for about 10-15 seconds before flopping over. But his self correcting is getting better and I'm hoping it's just a matter of days/weeks now before he's comfortably hit that milestone. And, as some of you heard last month, he's on the curve! Third percentile for height and weight. Which is pretty darn awesome considering where he's been.
I've gotten into a really solid groove with the homemade food too. It's proving to be rediculously easy to whip up a batch of root veggies or chicken and veg. or fruit puree. And what's made it even easier is mixing my homemade stuff with the frozen Happy Baby stuff. I'm in love with Happy Baby!!! Greens, in particular, are my favorite. One little cube mixed in with my stuff and voila, a perfectly balanced meal for little guy. And he actually likes it! Little victories.
I was reminded the other day that Leo's going to turn one in less than three months. WTF?!?!?! I can't believe it. And my pledge now is to not go crazy with the first birthday. I should be able to meet that goal given that I pretty much forgot to take pictures of Leo in his Christmas sweater. Whoops. Oh well, trust me, it was cute.
I'm also taking inspiration from friends who are purging and organizing in the spirit of the new year. I've been putting a ton of Leo's clothes that no longer fit into either bags to donate or bins to store. Next up, our stuff, and the kitchen/pantry. Nothing makes me happier than a good purging of stuff. Weeeeeee!