Leo is 2! Well he turned two on 3/23. Yes, I'm late. Oh where has the time gone. Just kidding, I totally know where the time has gone. So for birthday this year we did a combo party for Grandpa and Leo. Grandpa turned 72 and Leo turned 2, pretty cute.
Here are all of the things Leo is doing as he begins his third year on this earth.
1. Crawling. For realz now! He's speeding all over the house.
2. Pulling up. Onto everything.
3. Talking. If I had to guess I'd say he's got around 50 words or so. Though, to be fair, many of his words sound the same, enunciation isn't his strong suit right now. Plenty of two-word combos too. TONS of repeating. He's also reciting chunks of the alphabet and counting numbers. In the correct order! I know!
4. Being 2. Um, this just surfaced in the last couple weeks but he will, at times, sit on his feet and scream. Or just sit regularly and scream. Or be crawling and scream. Or be eating and scream. You get the idea. Good times.
5. Reading. Well, not really. But he does know when Dad gets to the key parts in A Snowy Day and he interjects with the correct words.
And now...birthday photos. He loved the cake, didn't quite understand the concept of blowing out the candles. And he REALLY loved his presents, in particular the Star Wars lunch box. He's all set for school.