Monday, June 21, 2010

One Month! Or Three Months! Either Way!

Leo's been home one month this week! It's hard to believe we've been at this for four weeks feels longer! I think that's the sleep deprivation talking. I think I've mentioned this before but it's odd to have a little person so totally in between ages. He's technically three months old this week but his corrected age is only four weeks. He's more engaged and active than a four week old, but not as much as a three month old. SO it's odd. But he sure is fun to have around. He's lifting his head up all the time, he manages to scooch himself into the corner of the co-sleeper regardless of being placed in the middle, he looks at us more intently now as if to suggest that he may finally be recognizing us and I swear the other day I nearly heard a laugh out of him. I'm sure that's my imagination...but still.

So the GI doc was out on Friday so still no word on whether we can come off any of the meds or the formula. We did hear that Leo's Billirubin level is at 0.6, down from 3.5 when he left the hospital. Ideal is right around zero but they really want to see it at .5 or lower. So he's just a hair above normal and we don't know if they will therefore want to keep him on everything for a bit longer or if they won't be concerned about it. The doctor who was subbing for GI doc on Friday said that she wasn't worried about that number at all, but it's not her call. So we'll see what GI doc says, hopefully today. We did also hear from the kidney doc and she wants to keep Leo on a couple of the vitamin/meds he's on so we're not totally going to be rid of everything just yet. But at this point even going from 6 down to 2 would be a big win.

We had a nice Dad's day yesterday...tho the weather didn't cooperate. We're at our wits end with this weather. But we didn't let it totally ruin the day, we managed to throw some ribs on the grill in an effort to trick ourselves into thinking it's summer. And I whipped up a really lovely (and super easy) blueberry cake for dessert that was dee-lish. So it was a mellow first Dad's Day for Jay but a nice one nonetheless. Plus we slept in yesterday morning until about 11...of course that was after the 3 and 7 a.m. feedings. But who's counting!

It's hard to imagine that in another month there will be even more exciting developments and changes to report...and maybe summer will have finally arrived! Here's hoping...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caitlin,
    I randomly came across your blog looking for information on fenugreek and nephrology. I'm the mom of a baby that sounds a lot like yours, and I was wondering if you could help me with some questions I have! My baby's nephrologist says no fenugreek and wants to put us on reglan (which I'm concerned about the safety of for my boy). I see you're at Swedish, we're at Deaconess in Spokane, WA but may be transferring to Seattle in a few months. It'd be great to chat with you, as we are in need of some second opinions! My e-mail is Thank you so much!!
