Tuesday, May 11, 2010

In Training

I feel like everyone in the family is in training for Leo coming home...especially Leo! He will continue to learn to nurse and eat more and more on his own, ween off his oxygen, get over this urinary tract infection, rest and grow. And he's doing a great job at those things. He took nearly an ounce this morning from me...he's only done that well on the bottle so far, so it was a great development. And he's up to 4 lbs, 14 ounces today. Closing in on 5 lbs! And no breathing events. So he really is doing great. Leo training - check!

The dogs are also in training for Leo's homecoming...they just don't know it. We bought a training tool to get them to stop the nuisance barking they are so very good at. And all I can say is...awesome. It's a small speaker-looking device that sits in the living room on top of our bookcase and is plugged into the wall. When it's on, it picks up on any barking within a 500 square foot range and emits an annoying sound only the boys can hear. I plugged it in this morning for the first time and I haven't heard a peep out of them all day. Dog training - check!

And Dad's in some training as well...we're trying to get the snoring under control before little guy is snoozing next to us in the bassinet. And my wonderful husband agreed to try what is essentially a mouth guard that pulls his jaw forward to keep the airway open so that you don't snore. It's pretty funky, but it works! And I love that he's willing to try. Dad training - check!

So the next logical question is what am I doing to get ready for Leo? Nothing because I'm perfect! Ha, just kidding. I'll need to come up with something...maybe the pumping can count as training? Yeah that's it. Momma training - check!

And it's sunny today, so this is making me happy. I love looking out the window and seeing the Leo tree and all our other potted veggies and herbs. It's really starting to feel summery, and I'm getting more excited each day for when the little man will be home. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Great stuff. And your pumping should definitely count as training. You could, I suppose, try out some baby food making - that would totally count too!

    Thanks for all the happy news. Brought much needed smiles to my house. :)

