Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patience Is a Virtue

And I don't have much of said virtue. Sigh. I talk a lot here about the need for patience with life in the NICU. And it's true. And sadly this is not an area in which I excel. So it's been doubly hard for me to maintain perspective, appreciate the current situation with Leo as positive and not constantly be obsessing with what's next and when it's going to happen. I plan things for a living so my mind is always moving to what's next. So that's where I'm at this week - preoccupied with Leo moving to the second floor. And it's unlikely that's going to happen this week. Well, I shouldn't say that - who knows if it'll happen this week. Ask three different people in the NICU and you'll get three different opinions. So we'll see. It might not be until next week, and that's fine. I need to remind myself of that. But when your kid is, by all accounts, ready for the second floor you just want him to move down there. Why are we waiting??? But I need to relax a bit, enjoy the fact that he's not the sickest one in the unit anymore and we'll get downstairs when we get downstairs. Lord knows we'll be down there for a few weeks as it is, so there's plenty of time!

So that's what I'm thinking about today...oh and my friend in surgery, I can't wait to see her tomorrow and am distracted today with thoughts of how things are going. I'm distracted by a lot lately. I think this must surely be normal. Ok, good.


  1. Caitlin! I've finally got internet over here in Tanzania and I came to catch up on your family's progress. I'm so glad he's breathing better and the mysterious billirubin issue seems to be resolving itself. It's wonderful to hear these bits of great news. Hopefully you'll get your wish and be on the second floor soon. I wish you all the very best!

  2. Oh, patience. Such an elusive thing.... I would recommend Oxycodone ... nothing much matters when you're in a pill-induced haze. But I think your breathing concept is a solid one as well.

    Soooo loving your posts about Mr. Leo. It sounds like he is doing just great. Down to the 2nd floor I say!

