Tuesday, April 20, 2010

For Reals?

Oh life...they say that God doesn't give us more than we can handle. I tend to believe this. And while I don't think the sweet baby Jesus had anything to do with the events of last night I am trying to keep this saying in mind today.

Our evening visit with Leo was fine and uneventful. He's been in the hospital for four weeks now and this is about the time parents start to get a little impatient for progress. Leo's not making progress at the same rate as he did right out of the gates, we're in the "slow and steady" phase right now. I'm not known for my abundance of patience (shocker) and therefore this phase is just simply not moving fast enough for my taste. At the same time I realize fully that slow and steady is the way to go so I'm trying to keep my Type A in check. Ha.

After the hospital we get home and Jay feeds the dogs (two Boston Terriers - Beans and Henry) and takes them outside post dinner to do some business. He comes back in the house a few minutes later with panic in his voice, holding Henry - "I think something's wrong with Henry, he's puffing up all over." Mind you, I'm pumping at this exact moment so there's really no place for me to go what with the girls occupied. We deduce he must've gotten stung by something. Jay calls the vet, the vet is closing, we need to call the emergency vet. He calls the emergency vet and they suggest Benadryl - Henry was breathing fine, eyes weren't closing up, etc. so this seemed reasonable. Jay heads over to the ghetto Safeway by our house (it's so ghetto I've never actually been in it) and we proceed to put Henry on Benadryl for the evening. It works! Swelling subsides considerably, whew. Dodged a bullet there.

About 20 minutes later I'm washing my pump parts (this is something I do a rediculous number of times each day) in hot, soapy water as directed...except the water isn't hot. Oh bother, we must've used up too much hot water this evening. Except that we hadn't really - no showers or dishwasher or laundry. Just sink use. Hmmm. Jay investigates and deduces that, yes, our hot water heater has decided to die. Sweet. Now I'm not really what you'd call an outdoorsy sort of girl so I don't really know what to do with no hot water. The stove! I'm a genius. Tea kettle + sink = means to wash things in hot water until Jay can replace the water heater. So that's what our afternoon will consist of today. Awesome.

On the upside, Leo is now transitioning to Bolus Feeds - this just means instead of having him on a continuous feed they'll start to spread his feedings out a bit - so they'll do a feeding via the tube, stop it for an hour, then start up again, stop it for another hour, etc. - they'll do this over a period of a few days until he's on a more typical feeding pattern. They are also going to turn his Vapotherm down from 6 to 5 - this just means they're weening him from his oxygen requirements - that much closer to getting onto the cannula again which is when he can start trying to nurse. So these are two good things! And presuming they both go well and he doesn't have any set-backs, this is exactly the sort of forward progress I've been anxious to see for a few days. Yay for that. Boo for stupid water heaters. But yay for this. Oh and Henry's swelling is back, I'm taking him to the vet this afternoon. Awesome.

Not more than I can handle...not more than I can handle...


  1. Caitlin, you are progressing nicely with the unexpected and the totally off the wall incidents that are showing up these days. As a parent you can't be overly prepared for things to go off the plan of the day. You are patient, clever and resilient. I love your blog, it reminds me of the many times chaos showed up when it was most inconvenient. You are the best and I love your humor. Leo is getting the red carpet care for sure. The day he comes home will be wondrous for you all. Hugs..XO

  2. Love the blog! Have you seen the Medela microwave bags? http://www.amazon.com/Medela-Quick-Clean-Micro-Steam-Bags/dp/B000096QQ5 I use them at work to store the pump parts in the refrigerator in between pumps. And they do an extra disinfect in just a couple minutes in the microwave. Super helpful in case you don't have time to really wash the parts or - like me - am completely bored with having to wash pump parts 40 times a day {i exagerate}. You probably have seen these - pumpin' pro - but just in case. :) Adrianne
