Thursday, April 15, 2010

The story...

Like many 30-somethings, my hubby and I embarked on the adventure of parenthood this year, and were expecting our first child, a boy, right around the end of May. My pregnancy had been flawless - dare I say EASY. No puking, a little tired, all tests normal, minimal aches, etc. I would think to myself, "gosh, maybe I was made for this baby making stuff, this is going so well!" I fully expected to have a perfectly normal delivery. I can do this. I'm a sturdy girl. I should've known that my Irish/Catholic heritage would bite me in the ass just to teach me a lesson.

And so it was in the 30th week of my pregnancy that I started noticing little Leo (we already had his name picked out...this proved handy) wasn't kicking as much as he usually did. Now, he hadn't ever really been a big kicker. But I could always count on feeling him right around the same time each day. First thing in the morning before I got up - check. Late at night as I was going to sleep - check. After I ate - check. But right around my 30th week I wasn't feeling him all that much anymore. I had an appointment to see my doc on Friday, March 26. On Tuesday, March 23 I called to check if this was something I should worry about. They said to come in - "just to be safe, no harm in checking." No, of course not. No harm indeed.

March 23, 1 p.m. - Ultrasound. Hubby comes to join me, this'll be fun! Yay, look at little Leo! He's so much bigger than at our last ultrasound. Everything looks fine. Thanks ultrasound lady!

3 p.m. - Stress test at Swedish Ballard, hubby still with me. (note: this is where I had planned to deliver). Hi there nice nurse lady. This should only take 30 minutes you say? Great, sounds good. Chatting, chatting, chatting. Oh some fruit juice? To see if that helps increase his movements? Ok sounds great, cranberry please. Thanks. An hour later, we decide hubby needs to go home to let out the dogs, I'm certain I won't be much longer. Ok, bye honey. Five minutes later, oh you need me to stay? My doctor's coming over? Really, get into a gown? Oh, ok. Five more minutes later - wait, what? Baby's heart rate dropping - MUST BE DELIVERED NOW. What?! Call hubby - turn around NOW.

4:30-5:30 p.m. - Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Repeat.

5:34 p.m. - Leo delivered via emergency c-section and transported to Swedish First Hill NICU. OB says to me as I'm being wheeled into recovery - "you're never going to be able to deliver naturally, next time will be a c-section too." Um, ok. You couldn't wait to share that until a wee bit later after said trauma? Thanks Doc.

7:30 p.m. - Me transported to Swedish First Hill...puking in the ambulance. Awesome.

Over the next couple of days as I was recovering, Leo was getting urgent care - lots of tests, a ventilator, etc., etc. All was going well, considering how sick he was.

And thus began our journey through the NICU.

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