Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ten Pounds!

Leo's ten pounds!!!! He had his four month well baby visit yesterday and the pediatrician is very happy. He's growing really well and is getting closer and closer to the growth curve that "normal" kids are on...the all important PERCENTILES!!!!!! I am trying not to be one of those mothers that obsessively rattles off which percentile her child is at be it for weight or height, as if to show some correlation between that and his hopes of getting into Harvard. It's a little annoying to say the least. And perhaps my perspective is a gift given what we've been through with Leo, because a parent of an otherwise healthy, full term baby doesn't really have a whole lot else to worry about (beyond the worries that all parents have). Whereas our expectations are decidedly what's the word...high. And the doc went ahead and took him off his iron supplements. So that means...drumroll...he's not on ANY of the medications he was on when he left the hospital. Yay!!!!! And once he kicks this UTI we'll hopefully be done altogether, aside from any lingering low-dose antibiotic treatment he may require to deal with whatever is causing the UTI. We'll know more in a couple of weeks there. But to no longer have to deal with six mediations/vitamins every few hours is such a huge weight lifted. Things are really starting to feel...gulp...normal.

The other very exciting bit of news today is that I have, officially, ceased pumping. I turned in the hospital pump yesterday and haven't pumped in 24 hours. It feels liberating. And weird. And I'm still feeling guilty. And so on and so on. And I'm sure I'll still pump here and there with my portable pump. But the days of endless pumping and middle of the night pumping are over. Hurrah doesn't even come close to the glee I'm feeling over this. Leo can nurse as much as he wants and otherwise he's getting formula. And that's that. Thankfully he is able to do both, a gift that is definitely not lost on me. I can't believe that after four months of non-stop pumping...four months of pumping in the middle of the night...every single's done. Just like that. Believe me the guilt dissipates with every hour I'm not looking at pump parts in the living room. So, yay!

We also had some awesome tummy time today. He's getting closer and closer to holding his head up while on his tummy. This is the big milestone his doctor wants to see by his six month visit. So we're getting lots of practice in each day while trying not to piss off Leo too much. He's also getting close to rolling over...we think...hard to know really. But when he's on his tummy he kicks the living daylights out of his legs and pushes up on his arms and I swear a couple of times he almost flipped himself right over. No more unattended time on the couch I'm afraid. Bring on the mobile baby and the baby proofing...can't wait!

It's a gorgeous day today and we're very happy to be seeing some old friends tonight for dinner. Should be a lovely evening...and the raspberry tart I whipped up this morning (vanilla pastry cream, pistachio studded pastry crust, raspberries on top) is calling my name from the refrigerator right now...bring on the feedbag!

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