Friday, July 9, 2010

Heat Wave

Lordy it's hot! One day it was 50 and the next it was 90. Awesome. Although I have to say, usually I'm sweating my girls off in misery but somehow this bit of heat is somewhat enjoyable. Maybe because we have a pseudo-finished space in the basement to escape to. Maybe because we were freezing our butts off for the last four months. Either way, I'm trying to enjoy the sticky heat and sunshine. My tomatoes sure are happy, that's for sure.

I'm also gearing up to start back to work Monday. Looking forward to having my Mom here for a couple of days to help out and then Jay's Mom will be here for two weeks after that. I'm not typically someone who asks for help, but I have to say, having them both here will be wonderful. I'm so appreciative of their time and I think having that one-on-one time with Leo will be something they both love as well. And who knows, maybe I'll get some clean laundry and various baked goods out of it! Woot!

The other thing weighing on my mind...ok i'm obsessing about it how and when to stop pumping. Perhaps not stop entirely...Leo's probably going to be 10 before that happens. Kidding. But at least stop the round-the-clock pumping. As a reminder, I've been pumping around the clock since March 24. Yes, yes, poor me. So if I'm going to stop, this means that Leo will need to nurse pretty well. And it means that if he's not nursing too well that he's going to need to be supplemented with formula. So I'm wrestling with the best approach. My old friend judgement is rearing it's head because my inner voice is saying "formula's bad! you have to nurse! keep pumping!" but my boobs are saying "dear god please give us a break." So I think my approach is going to be a hybrid. I'll likely stop pumping around the clock sometime over the next month or so. As I decrease in pumping I'll increase in the number of times each day that Leo nurses. I'm already doing this so it shouldn't be too big of a deal. But the wild card in all of this is, of course, Leo. If he really starts to take off with the nursing it'll probably be a non-issue. My body will continue to supply him with what he needs, even without pumping. But if he does what he's doing now - nursing very well for about 15 minutes and then falling asleep, only to wake up 30 minutes to an hour later hungry - then I may have to supplement with - gasp - formula. Because otherwise I'll have to keep pumping round the clock to keep him exclusively in Momma milk. Thus defeating the purpose of weaning off the pumping. So I think it'll all work out and be fine. Ideally by the time he starts daycare (very small, home-based) down the street in September he'll be sleeping through the night, I won't have to pump more than a couple of times a day, he'll nurse a few times a day, and formula will fill in the gaps. Done and done. Much like my previous post, faithful readers may say to themselves, "why is this a big deal? Formula is great and there for a reason, relax Caitlin!" and I'm trying to. However, my overly obsessive tendencies sometimes get the best of me and are only heightened when it comes to Leo. An obsessive Mom, weird.

Oh and Leo's wearing size 3-6 month stuff now! Yay! It's amazing how much he's growing. I realize this tends to happen with humans...but still. Kind of crazy to put on the 3-6 month stuff and have it fit. Even weirder to have to put the newborn stuff in storage. But good weird, definitely good weird.

The house is 75 degrees and it's 7:56 a.m. I think it's not even 70 outside yet. Suh-weet.

1 comment:

  1. What about a milk bank!?!? I kid you not. Check out I met the author yesterday - a new writer friend who lives here in Seattle. An ... "interesting" concept, no?

