Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hot water!

Hoo-ray for hot water! My wonderful husband replaced the heater yesterday and all is working fine...better than fine really. We can now take showers that are more than five minutes in length...even though I know we shouldn't...the fact that we can is pretty nice...especially when you're shaving your legs and the water doesn't immediately turn cold.

Henry's still a wee lumpy...but the shots from yesterday and the additional Benadryl today seem to be keeping things relatively in check. We'll see...

Leo's eyes aren't developed yet! This is actually pretty normal given the whole he's-not-ready-to-be-out-of-the-womb-yet thing. So they'll test his eyes again in a couple of weeks and hopefully things will be further developed. No signs of abnormalities so that's good. And he's doing well on his reduced oxygen (vapotherm) as well as his adjusted feeds. All in all a quiet, good day for Mr. Leo. We like that. Now, if we can just find a pediatrician, pump, get the crib set-up, take that CPR class, pump, finish the office downstairs, get the car seat installed, pump - ah geez, there goes my blood pressure.

Why is it that I feel more stressed out now than when I was working full time? This does not bode well for future when Mommy's back at work AND Leo's our house...all the time! I think I hear all those other parents out there saying in unison "welcome to the club." Can't wait.

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