Thursday, April 29, 2010

Four Pounds!!!!

Leo's 4 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!! To be exact, he weighed in at 3 lbs, 15.9 ounces last night. Since it's now a day later I'm going to claim that, yes, he's now 4 lbs. YAY!!!!!!!!! The other really cool thing from today was Leo's very successful nursing session with Mom. He went at it for 5 minutes straight, pausing to take breaths where he needed to, swallowing, etc. It was amazing really, it's only his third attempt at booby time and the nurses were pretty impressed too. His feedings via the tube will continue for a while yet, but this is wonderful progress. And all of the things they say about the bonding when he looks up at you really are true. It was amazing.

The Wings are down 3-2 with about 2 minutes to go in the 2nd period and Cleary just got knocked to high heaven. So I must get back to the's playoff hockey after all. This is our current distraction from life in the NICU - it's critical to have distractions.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think I'm as excited about his weight gain as I was to see him for the first time.
    So wonderful that he is feeding so well and that special bonding is happening for you. XO
