Friday, April 16, 2010

Milestones and Hockey

So I'm thinking it might be good to back up a bit and recap where we've been with our little journey through the NICU so that it makes more sense when I post updates about how Leo is doing now. So here goes...

Week 1 - From the first day Leo was in the NICU (March 23) through that first week it was really all about stabilizing him and correcting the damage that was done as he was declining in the womb so that he could, well, survive. Yeah that was pretty much the other option. I don't live there, believe me, but it's helpful perspective to keep in mind. So he went on a ventilator for his breathing, had lots of tests and blood draws, got an IV with a customized gatorade blend just for him (fancy!), etc. He was also under the phototherapy lights to help with his color. He was pretty darn sick right out of the gates so he had a whole lot of attention. Less attention is better, by the way. That's sort of an interesting lesson, no?

Week 2 - The vent came out after about a week, which was hugely exciting for me and Jay (hubby). He then went on a CPAP with crazy head gear - this is basically a pressurized oxygen tool that goes into the nose, versus needing to go down his throat like the vent. I think it was also during this week that he stepped down again on his breathing to the vapotherm which is less pressure than the CPAP and doesn't have the head gear. He then stepped down again to the nasal cannula which is the lowest form of assisted oxygen before going off everything altogether. He also got a feeding tube for breast milk during this time which guessed it...lots of pumping for momma. Oh the pumping...I could probably do another whole blog on pumping alone, but I'll spare the men who might be reading this and just say...pumping blows. BUT knowing that you're providing sustenance for your kid really is some good motivation. And, it's gotten way easier for me so that always helps. But can I just ask why are all the lactation folks weird old ladies with crazy make-up? I'm just saying. It's weird. We also had an infection scare at the end of this week that cleared up very quickly but forced him to start over on his feeds. Oh the ups and downs. It's a cliche but it's true.

Week 3 - We had a minor bummer early in the week as Leo couldn't hack the nasal cannula and had to go back on vapotherm. He also had another transfusion this week. Interesting point on blood transfusions - they use a single donor for the preemies. So they get all of the blood from one donor and then split it up into portions presuming that most preemies need more than one transfusion. This then reduces the risks associated with transfusions. You learn something new everyday. Both things perked him right up and allowed him to focus on feeding and growing which is really the big focus right now aside from breathing. He also managed to start pooping more regularly this week and therefore didn't need as many "silver bullets" as we call them - suppositories as they are officially known.

Week 4- We're in the middle of week four right now and he's still on the vapotherm though his oxygen level is slowly coming down which is an indicator that they may try him on the cannula again in a few days. He had a few regurgitations over the last couple of days which means his tummy is just trying to catch up to the increased feeds. But other than that he's doing well. He's also now 34 weeks gestational age which is a milestone in terms of what they expect of him on the breathing front. He doesn't have as much latitude now in terms of saturation levels, etc. so he can set off the alarms more easily. Getting used to ignoring alarms is an odd thing, but the sooner you can get comfortable with all the noises in the NICU the sooner you stop freaking out at each one of them. I say "you" and really I mean "me." OH, another fun milestone today was that Leo was in a onesie when I went to visit. He looks like a normal baby! The preemie size onesie actually sort of, almost, fits him! And he's up over 3lbs this week, more progress.

Funny Moments - There are really so that makes me smile is when Leo pooped into my hand - full on projectile. It won't be the last time I'm sure but these little moments of normalcy are pretty fantastic. Also funny was when one of our friends, a man with no kids (important context), was visiting Leo with me. There can only be one visitor with a parent at a time so it was just me and our friend. Then lactation comes up to check on how I'm doing and said man with no children is standing in between me and the crazy lactation lady who is talking about nipples and other such things and it was all I could do not to burst out laughing as I'm looking at his deer-in-headlights expression. Sigh. Good times.

Oh and tonight's Game 2 in the Western Conference Quarterfinals (Hockey) so Jay and I will be parked in front of the tube cheering on our beloved Wings. See, now the Hockey reference makes sense.

1 comment:

  1. I love your sense of perspective and willingness to see the moments of humor. When I visited my sister after Isabel was born (at 28 weeks), I remember all those bells and alarms. Scary stuff, but the NICU nurses were good calming us all and you do learn to ignore them. But those moments when they put the baby on you... very special. My fave of my niece is when my sis has her on her chest and I'm giving Isabel her first photo bunny ears! Sounds like Leo's make great progress, even though the scary steps backwards can be, well, scary, he's doing so great! Have fun de-stressing during the hockey game!
