Thursday, May 20, 2010


I feel like a little kid who can't wait to open their gifts on Christmas. I'm so, so, so DONE with the hospital. They're wonderful and they saved Leo's life and have given him all the support he needed to grow - blah, blah, blah. But I'm done. I want him home. I don't want to drive to and from the hospital twice a day. I want to give him a bottle at home. Without wires. I don't know why all of a sudden the impatience has come on like a ton of bricks this morning. But it's here and it's not letting go and I'm trying very hard not to be frustrated and annoyed that things aren't moving along quicker.

The nurse practitioner told me yesterday it's unlikely he'll be home by his due date. I didn't push to find out when she thinks he'll be home. I'm just trying to be hopeful that it'll be as close to that magical May 29 date as possible. He's a slow mover. A deliberate boy it seems. He's taking his time getting up on his weight and learning to eat. He's doing really well, but he's taking his time. And unless he has a crazy growth spurt and eating jump this week he's gonna need more time to get ready to be home. And of course I don't want to rush it...I just want it to be here already. And I'm also trying not to turn into the annoying Mom in the ISCU who thinks she knows better than the nurses..."why aren't you trying to feed him more overnight? Give him another bottle, he can take it!" It'll happen soon enough I'm sure. And things are good so I'm happy for that. But for a control freak who plans everything in her life, I'm hitting the wall.

Ok, enough of this - off to the hospital! Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Caitlin, I send you a hug of understanding. I have been feeling anxious for him to go home too. You are a true mother, trying to get your baby where you can do what mothers do and not be tied to strangers. It's hard to have intimacy in a fish bowl. You have waited patiently for a long time for one who says she has no patience, you have shown more than your share. Grab Jay and hang in there together as you always do . Onward!
    Love and many hugs, Mom XOXOXO
